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  Groups for Children and Teens  

Safeguarding is important to us at Christ Church and all of our leaders are safely recruited and DBS checked in line with the policies of the Diocese and the Church of England. We ask all parents to fill out a consent form if your child would like to take part in our children's and youth groups so that we have all the details we need about any allergies, medical conditions or other needs.


Wednesday mornings

Toddlers Group

This takes place from 9.15-10.45am in the main church building. Stay and play with the toys, chat over tea and toast and make new friends. It's free but a £1 contribution per family is appreciated. There is no need to book. The group meets every Wednesday during term-time. 

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Sunday evenings

SNACC Youth Groups

SNACC stands for 'Sunday Nights at Christ Church'. These are fun, action-packed groups for kids and teens. We do a wide range of activities from sports and games to cooking, craft and other challenges. Ages 7-10 meet from 6-7pm and ages 11+ meet from 7-8pm. No need to book but parents do need to fill out a consent form on the first evening a kid attends. SNACC meets on Sunday evenings during term-time. Get in touch if you have any questions.

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Sundays and Tuesdays

Sunday Groups and
Youth Home Group

On most Sundays during term-time we have groups for kids aged 5-13 which take place during the church service. On the first Sunday each month all ages stay together for a family-friendly service. We also have a mid-week home group for ages 11+ which happens every fortnight and sometimes attend other events. These groups help young people explore their faith and discipleship. 

  Groups for Adults  


Monday lunch times - monthly

Light Bite Lunch

Once a month we offer a free lunch at 12.30pm in the church hall. This is an opportunity for people to get together for some good food and company. It is especially well-suited to the elderly and those who have been bereaved. There is a short five-minute talk, and then lots of food and conversation. It's free and you don't need to book. Light Bite takes place on the second Monday each month. Do get in touch if you would like further information.

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Thursday evenings

Home Groups

At Christ Church, we view our church as a family. Home groups are a way we work that out in practice. Groups meet every fortnight in people's homes, and we look at the Bible together, share how our week has been, pray for one another and work out how to put our faith into action. Get in touch for more details.

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Short Courses

The Start Course

We regularly run short courses which help people to explore questions of life and faith. If you are interested in Christianity, and want to learn more, these are a great way to start. Our next course will take place on Monday afternoons and begins on Monday 27th January. If you'd like more details, just get in touch



Ensuring that children, young people and vulnerable adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life. If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact: Parish Safeguarding Officer: Laura Kille, 01636 611345. We refer all safeguarding information to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team who can be contacted for advice via email or by phone 01636 817200 or via the website  

Contact Safeguarding - Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham


For more information about Safeguarding please click here.​

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Christ Church

Boundary Road


NG24 4AJ


01636 611345

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