Usual Sunday Services

10am Morning Worship
We meet each Sunday at 10am in our church building for a service of Morning Worship. During term-time, there are groups for children and young people. On the first Sunday each month, we have a special all-age service suitable for young families.
Christ Church is a friendly, informal church and we welcome people of all ages and backgrounds. It would be lovely to see you.
Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals

Baptism is a sign of belonging to a church family. Families who want to make a promise that they will help their children to grow in faith and come to church can have their baby baptised. We ask that you attend church at least three times before we arrange a date for these, to show you are intentional about making that commitment. We look forward to seeing you at 10am any Sunday.
We're happy to discuss weddings taking place at Christ Church. Get in touch if you're interested in exploring this.
Funerals may be arranged through a local undertaker.